Hypnobirthing FAQ’s


When is the best time to start my classes? 20 -35 weeks is the ideal time to start your Hypnobirthing Australia™ classes. This will ensure that you have enough time to practice and be confident in the tools and techniques taught so that they will come naturally to you when birthing your baby. If, however, you are over 35 weeks pregnant please get in contact as there is a special course just for you. It is never too late to learn the tools!


Does my support person have to attend? Your support person (partner, friend, family member) are central to the Hypnobirthing Australia™ program. They will also learn the Hypnobirthing Australia™ tools and techniques so that they feel confident in how and when to apply them during pregnancy and labour. They will also feel confident in navigating the Australian health care system and will learn how to act as an advocate for you, your baby and your birth preferences.


Are Obstetrician’s/Midwives supportive of Hypnobirthing? Hypnobirthing is becoming more and more mainstream and the concepts of Hypnobirthing are well known amongst obstetricians and midwives. By being prepared and informed may actually make their job easier and hypnobirths are certainly a joy to be apart of.


What is my investment worth? Having a positive and empowering birth experience is priceless. You will reflect on the day you birthed your baby for the rest of your life and like any big life event you want it to be positive and memorable. Furthermore, not only can the tools be used during pregnancy and birth, but they can also be used during every day situations. For example, using your instant relaxation techniques prior to a job interview or using the relaxation track to help settle your newborn baby. These are certainly tools for life!


Can I hypnobirth if I have an Induction/Caesarean section? The Hypnobirthing Australia™ program prides itself on being flexible and adaptable. The tools can be used for any type of birth- normal, instrumental, VBAC, caesarean section and if special circumstances were to arise such as an induction of labour. The program encourages you to be an active consumer in your care so that you can make well informed decisions along the way. Hypnobirthing will also give you the tools to tackle any curve balls that you may be faced with so that regardless of how your baby comes into the world, you will know in your heart that you are giving your baby the best birth possible with the circumstances you have.


What does the research say?  Dr Kate Levett performed a randomised control trial in 2016 which was published in the British Medical Journal. She randomised mother’s and their support person to attend either independent childbirth education classes that includes relaxation techniques, breathing, active birthing (movement), meditation, massage, acupressure and tuition for both mother and birth partner, or standard hospital childbirth education classes. Dr Levett’s research found that when mother’s attended the independent childbirth education classes, like Hypnobirthing Australia’s™ Positive Birth Program, there was a 44% reduction in caesarean sections and a 65% reduction in epidural rates. (http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/6/7/e010691.abstract)


What is the difference between  Hypnobirthing Australia’s™ program and other independent childbirth education classes? The course structure is different between methods and not all courses cover the same tools. The training material that parents receive are different between programs, however Hypnobirthing Australia’s™ is geared towards Australian models of maternity care, for example you will be watching Australian birth videos and listening to MP3 tracks with an Australian accent. The Hypnobirthing Australia™ program teaches self-hypnosis to remove any fears or reservations that the mother or support person may have leading up to birth and is also used to condition the mind to release endorphins (natures natural pain reliever) to a hypnobirthing tool or thought. Lastly, and as previously mentioned, the Hypnobirthing Australia™ program is very inclusive, meaning that it applies to all types of births and covers special circumstances such as an induction of labour and caesarean section.